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Auto Parts That Typically Wear Out

Most vehicles are used every day or at least several times a week. With that much wear on a car or truck, it's inevitable that some of the parts may eventually wear out. For this reason, we started this blog to inform you about vehicle parts that often need to be replaced. We aren't auto mechanics or car specialists, but we do drive cars and we wanted to become knowledgeable about the various car parts and components that typically wear out. After doing our research, we decided to share our information with others to help prevent breakdowns and expensive repairs. By reading our blog posts you'll learn which auto parts including the alternator, fuel pump, and brake components you should periodically check to make sure they're still functioning properly.




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Auto Parts That Typically Wear Out

Changing The Automobile Filters In Your Vehicle: A Crucial Maintenance Task

by Dale Gibson

Keeping your car in optimal condition involves regular maintenance, and one aspect that often goes unnoticed is the replacement of automobile filters. These unsung heroes play a vital role in maintaining the performance and longevity of your vehicle's engine, air conditioning system, and overall driving experience. Understanding when to change these essential car filters is essential to ensuring your automobile runs smoothly and efficiently.

Engine Oil Filter

The oil filter is a crucial part of your vehicle's lubrication system, preventing contaminants from circulating through the engine. The vehicle manufacturer will recommend a mileage and time interval for replacing the filter to ensure clean oil flows through the engine, reducing wear and tear.

Check your owner's manual or check with your local auto repair shop to determine when you should consider changing your oil and filter if you are unsure about the timing. 

Air Filter

The engine air filter safeguards your engine against harmful particles, such as dust, pollen, and debris. Over time, it accumulates dirt and becomes clogged, reducing airflow and hampering engine performance. 

To maintain airflow and fuel efficiency, you should monitor and change the air filter when it is dirty. Like the oil filter, the manufacturer will recommend an interval, but that can change with air quality and the roads where you drive, so have your mechanic check the filter regularly.

Cabin Air Filter

The cabin air filter is responsible for cleaning the air you breathe inside your vehicle, capturing dust, pollen, and other pollutants. Neglecting this filter can lead to unpleasant odors, reduced HVAC performance, and potential health issues. Cabin air filters should be replaced at the interval set by the manufacturer, but you can also change it early if it is dirty. 

Fuel Filter

The fuel filter prevents contaminants from reaching the engine and ensures the smooth delivery of clean fuel. A clogged fuel filter can hinder your car's performance, causing issues like reduced power, engine misfires, or even complete engine failure. 

When To Change Your Filters

Knowing when to change these automobile filters is crucial, but there are a few additional factors to consider that can change the timing of your automobile filter changes.

Driving Conditions

If you frequently drive in dusty or polluted environments, your filters may require more frequent replacements. Similarly, off-road driving or stop-and-go traffic can accelerate filter deterioration.

Check Engine Light

If your check engine light illuminates, it could indicate a problem with one of the filters. Consult your vehicle's manual or visit a trusted mechanic to diagnose the issue promptly.

By staying proactive and diligent in replacing your automobile filters at the recommended intervals, you'll ensure your car operates smoothly, efficiently, and safely. 

Reach out to an auto parts store to learn more about automobile filters
